
My mom

I forgot to post about this when it happened...

over break i showed my mom my menstrual cup and she laughed saying that she would need one of those red (i guess party/beer) cups for her period! 



Anonymous said...

So I bit the bullet and ordered a LunaCup! It came in the mail today, in the one of the last shipments LunaCup is making to the United States. Starting the 20th, they aren't shipping to the US anymore. Maybe their cutting back on costs? I don't know, but that sucks. I'm just lucky I jumped on board on time.

Now I'm excited to get my period...and I think that's kind of weird :P

VyNL said...

no way!!! its not weird! i get excited about getting my period too! you may develop this weird fascination with your period that you never knew existed! i did... but i am really really excited for you and i am glad you ordered before they stopped shipping! i hope it works out for you!!