
Day 7

Today is my last full day of my period.. i guess you could say it like that. tomorrow it will be over for the most part.. it will just be brown nasty instead of cool red! it was a very interesting experience... i like being able to sleep in it and i really feel clean and i don't worry about anything that i would normally worry out (leaks, smell, slide-age). i don't feel gross when i pull it out and i am going to miss it. i enjoyed the connection and the examination. and i really liked to see how much i bled in different time periods and different days. with a tampon it just soaks it up and i never knew but now i do. it's cool. i suggest trying it. 


1 comment:

Artwork by Colleen said...

Ok, you two have to have been commissioned by some company to write this "research" :P This cup actually does sound perfect! It's almost entertaining and definitely a positive way to become more a part of your self.